After a week on the road in Savannnah for work I am glad to be home to snow and cold! Nothing beats home. My wife had to try and shovel the driveway while I was gone. Well she usually enjoys the exercise but it snowed everyday while I was gone and was real wet and heavy. She learned real quick how to start and run the snow blower. She even did the older couples next door. She had my boots on and was bundled up pretty good so the neighbor asked is that you Tracey? She amazes me alot of times in the things she does for others all the time and now shes even amazing the neighbors. Now that I am home of course it hasn't snowed for a few days now.
Another reason I am glad to be home is because now Tracey and I can watch the Packers play in the championship game together with friends at the golf course. Last week was good to see the pack win again but it was not the same without her to watch it with. All year we watched it together at home or with friends or went to the game in Green Bay or Dallas. My prediction is the pack is going to beat the Giants 31-20. Go Pack Go!
LOVE the photo; it's awesome. Welcome Home :)
P.S. IN commenting on your MEME, I forgot that you DO sing to Tracey! Nice.
This is just about THE COOLEST PHOTO I've seen in a long time. It's a Nature and Irony sort of thing for me, I guess.
Thanks for the comment Skeeter. It is one of my favorites also. I see the irony in it it now too.
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